Monday 21 October 2024

Pema Rasa Madira: The Intoxicating Bliss of Divine Love


Prema Rasa Madirä is a complete text, capable of taking one from the initial stage of detaching oneself from the world, all the way to the ultimate attainment of serving Shri Radha Krishna in the highest sentiment of sakhi bhava in the kunjas of Vrindavan and witnessing Their confidential nikunja pastimes.

The padas are unique, in that they are a crystal-clear window to the devotional sentiments enshrined in a Rasikas loving heart. The display of extraordinary poetic skills is a testament to the unmatched capability of this Rasik. Sung in ragas in a simple manner, they are capable of arousing the appropriate sentiments of humility and love in one's heart.

This Prema Rasa Madira is the greatest act of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj's grace because these pados are outpourings of his heart. May the joyful process of rupdhyan make all sadhok readers' hearts suitable receptacles to receive and eternally relish the wine of devotional sentiments of this Prema Rasa Madira.

Rasik readers and seekers of the bliss of divine love!
The subject of this text becomes clear from its title. Nevertheless, courtesy demands that a few words be written as a foreword.

The undisputed established spiritual principle of the Vedas, the six Darshanas, the Puranas and so on, is that the ultimate aim of every living being is the attainment of bliss alone, which to fulfil one, must be both infinite and eternal.

But, that same Shyamasundara, who is of the nature of bliss and the very source of bliss, is enslaved utterly by His own most confidential power-an entity known as prema or divine love. Therefore, it is divine love which is the ultimate entity. This book Prema Rasa Madira - The Intoxicating Bliss of Divine Love-has been written with divine love as its goal. How far I have succeeded in this endeavour is up to the readers to decide.

The 1008 padas or devotional chants of the Prema Rasa Madira have been divided into twenty-one sections called madhuris or devotional special sweetnesses, which are as follows:

Sadguru Madhuri, Arati Madhuri, Siddhanta Madhuri, Dainya Madhuri, Dhama Madhuri, Prema Madhuri, Shri Krishna Bäla-Lilä Madhuri, Shri Radha Bala-Lilä Mädhuri, Shri Krishna Madhuri, Shri Radha Madhuri, Yugala Madhuri, Lila Madhuri, Mahāsakhi Madhuri, Nikuñja Madhuri, Milana Madhuri, Mana Madhuri, Murali Madhuri, Hori Mädhuri, Viraha Madhuri, Rasiyä Mädhuri, Prakirņa Madhuri

The name of each madhuri describes its subject matter. All of them are imbued with the special nectar of divine love. The pastimes of the Divine Couple have been depicted in these padas in accordance with narrations of the Vedas, Puranas and other scriptures and the writing of the Rasik Saints. An extraordinarily unique range of pastimes has taken place, especially during the descension of Shri Krishna. These form the basis of these blissful, devotional chants recorded here. Various other descensions of God, all non-different from Shri Krishna have been mentioned in various places in a specific context too. These pastimes are a drop in the ocean of pastimes of that supreme performer of ever-new lilas, Shyamasundara. Nevertheless, if seekers attain some satisfaction through these padas, I will consider my entire effort a success! If someone receives no satisfaction or benefit from the work, let him be satisfied by the fact that its composition was something that gave the author great personal pleasure.


In conclusion, Prema Rasa Madira is not merely a collection of devotional padas, but a profound journey into the heart of divine love. Through the 1008 padas, divided into twenty-one sections, the reader is invited to immerse themselves in the enchanting pastimes of Shri Radha Krishna, experiencing their divine bliss in various expressions of love and devotion. The teachings, imbued with the grace of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, offer a pathway for the soul to transcend worldly attachments and elevate into the highest spiritual sentiments of humility, love, and service.

Whether one is a seasoned Rasik or a seeker of the bliss of divine love, this sacred text provides an invaluable opportunity to connect with the divine, savoring the intoxicating nectar of love that flows from the hearts of Shri Radha Krishna. May the sweet padas of Prema Rasa Madira awaken and nourish the loving sentiments within all, guiding each reader towards the eternal bliss of union with the Divine.

Monday 23 September 2024

प्रेम रस मदिरा - जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज द्वारा भक्ति की दिव्य स्वर की समता


प्रेम रस मदिरा भक्ति पर शास्त्रीय कविताओं का एक असाधारण संकलन है, जिसे आदरणीय आध्यात्मिक नेता जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज ने रचा है। हिंदी में लिखा गया यह शानदार संग्रह, श्री राधा और श्री कृष्ण के बीच दिव्य प्रेम का जश्न मनाने वाले 1008 गीतों में भक्ति के सबसे गहरे सार को समेटे हुए है। यह एक साहित्यिक खजाना है जो भक्ति की सुंदरता, आनंद और गहनता को प्रतिध्वनित करता है, जो इसे हर आध्यात्मिक साधक के लिए अवश्य पढ़ने योग्य बनाता है।

दिव्य प्रेम के माध्यम से एक यात्रा

प्रेम रस मदिरा का केंद्रीय विषय दिव्य प्रेम की मिठास है, जिसे विभिन्न रूपों में व्यक्त किया गया है। जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज ने राधा और कृष्ण की दिव्य लीलाओं, उनके निवास और उनके मनमोहक गुणों का विशद वर्णन किया है। प्रत्येक गीत पाठक को ब्रज की अलौकिक दुनिया में ले जाता है, जहाँ दिव्य प्रेम मिलन और वियोग में खिलता है, हृदय को आनंद और आत्मा को तड़प से भर देता है।

संग्रह 21 अध्यायों में विभाजित है, जिनमें से प्रत्येक भक्ति की मधुरता के एक अलग रूप को प्रकट करता है। चाहे वह मिलन में प्रेम हो या वियोग की पीड़ा, कविता दिव्य युगल के बीच असीम प्रेम की एक झलक प्रदान करती है, जो पाठक को दिव्य चिंतन की स्थिति में छोड़ देती है।

शास्त्रों के अनुसार

प्रेम रस मदिरा की सबसे खास विशेषताओं में से एक यह है कि यह वेदों, पुराणों और अन्य प्राचीन शास्त्रों की शिक्षाओं में गहराई से निहित है। जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज, एक आत्मसाक्षात्कारी आत्मा, इन आध्यात्मिक ग्रंथों में पारंगत थे, और उनकी कविता उनमें पाए जाने वाले कालातीत ज्ञान को दर्शाती है। ये गीत छह दर्शनों के आध्यात्मिक सिद्धांतों और रसिक संतों की शिक्षाओं से ओतप्रोत हैं, जो उन्हें न केवल भक्तिमय बनाते हैं, बल्कि आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान का एक समृद्ध स्रोत भी बनाते हैं।

ये छंद ध्यान और रूपध्यान पर ध्यान केंद्रित करके लिखे गए हैं। वे सर्वोच्च भगवान के साथ अपने संबंध को गहरा करने की चाह रखने वाले भक्तों के लिए एक मार्गदर्शक के रूप में कार्य करते हैं, चेतना और आध्यात्मिक प्राप्ति के उच्च स्तरों के लिए मार्ग प्रदान करते हैं। हर शब्द के साथ, पाठकों को अनंत आनंद के अवतार श्री कृष्ण की दिव्य गतिविधियों पर ध्यान लगाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाता है।

अंतिम लक्ष्य: दिव्य आनंद प्राप्त करना

जैसा कि वेदों द्वारा घोषित किया गया है और जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज द्वारा जोर दिया गया है, प्रत्येक जीवित प्राणी का अंतिम लक्ष्य अनंत आनंद प्राप्त करना है, जो केवल भगवान में, विशेष रूप से श्री कृष्ण में पाया जा सकता है। दुनिया की खुशी की तलाश, वास्तव में, दिव्य खुशी की एक गलत दिशा में खोज है। श्री कृष्ण, सर्वोच्च भगवान, आनंद के अवतार हैं, और प्रेम रस मदीरा हमें इस शाश्वत सत्य की याद दिलाने का प्रयास करता है।

हालाँकि, श्री कृष्ण स्वयं अपने दिव्य प्रेम, प्रेम से मोहित हैं। भक्ति गीतों का यह संग्रह इस दिव्य प्रेम के दृष्टिकोण से लिखा गया है, जो भक्तों को आत्मा और ईश्वर के बीच मौजूद पवित्र बंधन का अनुभव करने का अवसर प्रदान करता है। इन गीतों पर ध्यान लगाने से, व्यक्ति भौतिक दुनिया से परे जा सकता है और दिव्य से जुड़ सकता है।

ध्यान और आध्यात्मिक विकास के लिए एक उपकरण

प्रेम रस मदिरा केवल एक काव्य संग्रह नहीं है, बल्कि ध्यान के लिए एक आध्यात्मिक उपकरण है। भावपूर्ण भाषा और विशद कल्पना रूपध्यान को प्रेरित करती है, जिससे भक्त ध्यान के दौरान श्री राधा और श्री कृष्ण के दिव्य रूप की कल्पना कर सकते हैं। जैसे-जैसे आप खुद को कविता में डुबोते हैं, आपका मन अधिक केंद्रित होता जाता है, और आपका ध्यान गहरा होता जाता है, जिससे आपकी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा अधिक पूर्ण होती जाती है।

प्रत्येक गीत भक्तिपूर्ण विनम्रता और समर्पण की गहरी भावना को जागृत करता है, जो भक्ति के मार्ग पर आगे बढ़ने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण तत्व हैं। कविता 5000 साल पहले हुई दिव्य लीलाओं को जीवंत करती है, जो हमें श्री कृष्ण की असाधारण गतिविधियों और आत्माओं के लिए उनके शाश्वत प्रेम की याद दिलाती है।

दिव्य प्रेम का एक शानदार प्रमाण

निष्कर्षतः, प्रेम रस मदिरा एक साहित्यिक कृति से कहीं अधिक है - यह दिव्य प्रेम के उच्चतम रूप का एक शानदार प्रमाण है। जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज की रचना एक आध्यात्मिक मार्गदर्शक के रूप में कार्य करती है, जो साधकों को श्री राधा और श्री कृष्ण की भक्ति में निहित शाश्वत सुख की ओर ले जाती है। शास्त्रों से अपने गहरे संबंध और दिव्य प्रेम की प्रकृति के बारे में गहन अंतर्दृष्टि के साथ, प्रेम रस मदिरा भक्ति साहित्य के क्षेत्र में एक अद्वितीय कृति के रूप में खड़ी है।

जो कोई भी अपनी आध्यात्मिक साधना को समृद्ध करना चाहता है या भक्ति की अपनी समझ को गहरा करना चाहता है, उसके लिए प्रेम रस मदिरा एक कालातीत और परिवर्तनकारी अनुभव प्रदान करता है। यह एक दिव्य स्वर की समता है जो हृदय को आनंद से और आत्मा को सर्वोच्च भगवान के प्रति प्रेम की शाश्वत मिठास से भर देती है।

Thursday 19 September 2024

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj: The Divine Poet of Eternal Bhakti


Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, revered as the fifth original Jagadguru, was not only a profound spiritual leader but also a poet of unparalleled genius. His poetic talent was so extraordinary that he could spontaneously compose verses while walking, sitting, or in deep meditation. His creative expression was spontaneous, often composing new verses on the spot during his sermons, kirtans, and discourses. The sheer volume and depth of his poetry leave one in awe of his divine gift.

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s compositions encapsulate the essence of all the Vedas, Shastras, and the core principles of Sanatan Dharma. His poetry includes over 11,111 couplets, each brimming with deep philosophical insights. His genius allowed him to produce verses in various forms—sometimes 10 couplets at a time, sometimes 20, and on rare occasions, up to 100 or even 200 couplets in a single sitting. His followers meticulously documented these verses, recognizing the timeless value they hold. His unique talent lay in seamlessly adding new dimensions to any ongoing kirtan, whether it was a devotional song, hymn, or praise of Radha Krishna.

Some of his most renowned poetic works include "Prem Ras Madira," "Braj Ras Madhuri," "Bhakti Shatak," "Radha Govind Geet," "Shyama Shyam Geet," "Yugal Madhuri," "Yugal Shatak," "Yugal Ras," "Shri Radha Trayodashi," and "Shri Krishna Dwadashi." These devotional works, written in an intricate and melodious poetic form, immerse readers in an ocean of devotion and divine love. They are filled with nectar-like verses that capture the essence of devotion (bhakti) towards Radha and Krishna. However, despite the prolific output, many of his compositions remain undocumented, making his existing body of work even more precious.

Each verse, hymn, and couplet of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj is a wave in the vast ocean of devotional bliss, resonating with deep spiritual meaning. Literary scholars have marveled at the linguistic richness of his works, admiring the poetic elegance and the use of metaphors, similes, and other literary devices. His poetry isn't just an artistic expression but a medium to elevate the soul towards divine realization.

His compositions have also captivated the hearts of musicians, who have set many of his verses to different ragas and raginis (musical scales) of Indian classical music. The sheer melody and rhythm of his poetry have inspired countless musicians to create devotional music that continues to uplift and inspire devotees worldwide.

One of his most significant poetic achievements is the creation of "Prem Ras Madira," a collection of 1,008 songs written over a span of just 10 days. Remarkably, this monumental work was composed many years ago in the serene environment of a tea estate in Assam. Unfortunately, the original handwritten manuscript was lost, but in response to the request of his devotees, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj rewrote the entire collection in Mussoorie in 1989. This invaluable gift of divine poetry continues to be a source of spiritual inspiration for millions today.

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s poetic brilliance transcends time and space. His verses carry the profound energy of divine love, reverence, and surrender to God. Whether it's the literary splendor, devotional intensity, or musical harmony, his poetry remains a treasure for generations to come.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Exemplary Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat Philanthropic Initiatives


Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, a revered spiritual leader, has established a legacy of working tirelessly for the betterment of society. To fulfill his philanthropic objectives, he established the Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat, a trust dedicated to serving humanity. The outreach programs initiated by Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat have set a remarkable example in the realm of social service. By creating three branches, the organization has been able to address the needs of the underprivileged sections of society in various impactful ways.

Since 2003, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat has been relentlessly providing free healthcare services to the most destitute individuals in society. The three centers of Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya (JKC) located in Bhakti Mandir, Prem Mandir, and Kirti Mandir premises have been instrumental in serving the residents of Braj. These hospitals offer comprehensive medical assistance, including consultations, X-rays, ultrasounds, blood tests, and medications, completely free of cost. With departments dedicated to homeopathy, naturopathy, dentistry, physiotherapy, and allopathy, these hospitals cater to a wide range of healthcare needs. Additionally, the organization regularly organizes camps for cataract operations, heart check-ups, and blood donations, greatly benefiting the economically disadvantaged who struggle to access quality medical care.

The efforts made by Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat Education (JKPE) in promoting girls' education since 2005 are truly commendable. Thanks to their initiatives, thousands of girls have been rescued from illiteracy and the clutches of child marriage. Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat Education operates three educational institutions, namely Kripalu Mahavidyalaya (University), Kripalu Balika Intermediate College, and Kripalu Balika Primary School. Together, these institutions provide free education from primary school to postgraduate levels to girls in rural and socio-economically backward areas. Additionally, the organization distributes essential items such as uniforms, stationery, warm clothes, and blankets multiple times throughout the year, further supporting the educational journey of these girls.

For the past two decades, the Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat Poor Relief Fund has organized distribution programs several times each year, where valuable resources for daily use are provided to those in need. Recognizing that students are the future of society, the organization ensures that they receive essential supplies, including stationery, daily-use items, and warm jackets, free of cost several times annually. Furthermore, to alleviate the hardships faced by destitute women, blind individuals, leprosy patients, and others living in Braj, the organization periodically distributes essential daily-use items to a large number of people.

The philanthropic endeavors undertaken by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, the trailblazer of public welfare, truly embody his spirit of immense generosity. He has consistently given to the world, setting an example of selfless charity. Through his own actions, he has emphasized the importance of selfless giving to others. The three presidents of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat, Dr. Vishakha Tripathi, Dr. Shyama Tripathi, and Dr. Krishna Tripathi, have wholeheartedly embraced this vision and are dedicated to upholding the ideals of public service in the world. Under their leadership and guidance, the welfare activities of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat continue to thrive, setting new benchmarks in public service.

In the wake of the year 2020, the world was gripped by the unprecedented global pandemic known as Covid-19. The impact of this pandemic on humanity was unimaginable, affecting livelihoods, education, healthcare, travel, and even necessities of life. In such a time of crisis, when people struggled to fulfil their daily needs, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat provided remarkable support to society in various domains, including medical aid, education, and necessities like food and clothing. The dedicated doctors and nurses serving in Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya exemplified the spirit of selfless service, while female students enrolled in Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat Education schools were able to continue their education through online classes, leveraging modern technology even during the Covid-19 lockdown period. Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat also contributed to the Government of India.


A strong dedication to serving the humanitarian cause is shown by the charitable efforts led by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj through the Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat. Under constant commitment to bettering the lives of the poor, the organisation has achieved notable progress in the fields of social welfare, education, and healthcare. While the Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat Education has championed girls' education, saving many from illiteracy and early marriage, the Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya has offered free, comprehensive medical services to the impoverished. With vital resources, the Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat Poor Relief Fund has continuously helped those in extreme need, demonstrating the organization's profound sensitivity and proactive commitment to easing suffering.

Dr. Vishakha Tripathi, Dr. Shyama Tripathi, and Dr. Krishna Tripathi have all shown great dedication to continuing Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj's legacy, which continues to inspire and propel significant change. Their combined efforts have raised the bar in public service, as demonstrated especially amid the extraordinary difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The organization's unwavering commitment to societal welfare is demonstrated by its ability to come back and continue providing help for healthcare, education, and necessities in the face of a crisis.

All in all, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat is a paradigm of philanthropic excellence, a beacon of hope and compassion that embodies the spirit of selfless giving. They have improved many lives with their ceaseless efforts, and they have also left a lasting legacy of how genuine humanitarian efforts can raise entire communities and spur global change.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज: भारत की आध्यात्मिक धरोहर

भारत सदा से विश्व का आध्यात्मिक गुरु रहा है और आज भी है। समस्त महान मनीषी, साधु संत, त्रिकालदर्शी ऋषि और मुनियों को जन्म देने का सौभाग्य भारत को ही मिला है। इसी श्रृंखला में अखिल विश्व के सामने अपने अप्रतिम, अलौकिक व अखण्ड ज्ञान की पताका फहराने वाले जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज ने भारत देश के उत्तर प्रदेश में स्थित मनगढ़ ग्राम में जन्म लेकर भारत की पवित्र वसुंधरा को धन्य किया।

धन्यातिधन्य है भारतभूमि जहाँ समय-समय पर स्वयं भगवान् अवतार लेकर अनेक मंङ्गलमय स्वरूप धारण करते हैं। अनेक प्रकार की लीलायें करते हैं जिनका श्रवण, कीर्तन स्मरण दैहिक, दैविक, भौतिक तापों से तप्त जीवों के लिये शाश्वत सुख प्राप्ति का साधन है। कभी-कभी सच्चिदानन्द स्वरूप प्रभु स्वयं न आकर अपनी किसी शक्ति को पृथ्वी पर भेज देते हैं, जो देशकाल परिस्थिति के अनुसार गुरु रूप धारण करके जीवों को उनकी दयनीय दशा से उबार कर उन्हें भगवत्प्रेम और भगवज्ञान प्रदान करते हैं।

देशकाल परिस्थिति के अनुसार उनका बाहरी रूप रंग भिन्न होते हुए भी लक्ष्य एक ही रहता है - जीव कल्याण। आत्मप्रयोजनाभावे परानुग्रह एव हि (लिंग पुराण) - महापुरुषों का अपना कुछ भी कार्य शेष नहीं रह जाता वे कृतकृत्य हो जाते हैं। आत्माराम पूर्णकाम परम निष्काम पूर्णानन्द अनुभव करते हुए वे जो भी कार्य करते हैं वह केवल परोपकार के लिए ही करते हैं। जीवों को अनादि काल से माया के बन्धन से छुटकारा दिलाकर भगवान् की ओर सन्मुख करना यही उनके अवतार का प्रयोजन होता है।

उदाहरणार्थ आदि जगद्गुरु शंकराचार्य भगवान् शंकर के अंशावतार माने जाते हैं। जगद्गुरु श्री निम्बार्काचार्य श्री कृष्ण चन्द्र के कोटि सूर्य समप्रभा वाले सुदर्शन चक्र के अवतार माने जाते हैं। जगद्गुरु श्री रामानुजाचार्य आदि शेष के अवतार माने जाते हैं और जगद्गुरु श्री माध्वाचार्य के रूप में भगवान् श्री नारायण की आज्ञानुसार भक्ति सिद्धान्त के रक्षार्थ एवं प्रचारार्थ स्वयं श्री वायुदेव ने ही अवतार लिया।

इसी प्रकार ब्रज महारसिक भी भगवान् की किसी न किसी शक्ति का ही अवतार होते हैं। जैसे स्वामी श्री हरिदास जी श्री राधारानी की अष्टमहासखियों में से ललिता सखी का अवतार, स्वामी श्री हित हरिवंश जी भगवान् श्री कृष्ण की मुरली का अवतार इत्यादि। चैतन्य महाप्रभु राधाकृष्ण का मिलित अवतार माने जाते हैं।

यहाँ भक्तियोगरसावतार जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज के अलौकिक चरित्र का निरूपण हो रहा है जिन्होंने भारत ही नहीं सम्पूर्ण विश्व को वैदिक ज्ञान से आलोकित करके दिव्य प्रेम का सन्देश देकर यह सिद्ध कर दिया कि भारत सदैव आध्यात्मिक विश्व गुरु के पद पर आसीन रहा है और रहेगा। वेद, शास्त्र, पुराण, गीता, भागवत, रामायण में जो असीम ज्ञान भरा हुआ है वह सभी जाति, सभी सम्प्रदायों, सभी धर्मों के लिए है। जब उस ज्ञान का सही-सही प्रकटीकरण नहीं होता अथवा धार्मिक मान्यतायें लुप्त हो जाती हैं, तब दम्भ, अनाचार, पापाचार, दुष्टाचार बढ़ जाता है। ऐसे में अकारण करुणा के सागर भगवान जीवों पर अनुग्रह करके या तो स्वयं आते हैं अथवा अपनी किसी शक्ति को गुरु रूप में भेज देते हैं भटके हुए जीवों का मार्ग दर्शन करने के लिये।

जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज का अवतरण ऐसे समय में ही हुआ जब दम्भ और पाखण्ड का बोलबाला बढ़ता जा रहा था। धर्म का वास्तविक स्वरूप विकृत हो गया था। वेदों के अर्थ का अनर्थ करके धर्म के नाम पर दलितों का शोषण हो रहा था। एक ओर देशभक्त स्वतंत्रता की लड़ाई लड़ रहे थे तो दूसरी ओर आध्यात्मिक समाज किसी क्रान्तिकारी महापुरुष की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था जो सनातन वैदिक धर्म को प्रतिष्ठापित करके, भारतीय ऋषि परम्परा को जीवन्त करके, ज्ञान और भक्ति द्वारा जीवों को माया से मुक्त कराये। धर्म के नाम पर पण्डित वर्ग द्वारा जाति-पाँति के भेदभाव को दूर करके सार्वभौमिक आध्यात्मिक मार्ग प्रशस्त करे।

वह ऐतिहासिक स्वर्णिम क्षण आ ही गया जब भक्ति-धाम मनगढ़ में शरत्पूर्णिमा की शुभ रात्रि में माँ भगवती की गोद में एक नन्हें बालक ने आँख खोली। जो कालान्तर में जगद्गुरु कृपालु नाम से विख्यात हुआ और जिसने समस्त शास्त्रों, वेदों, उपनिषदों, पुराणों, भागवत तथा अन्यान्य धर्मग्रन्थों के सार स्वरूप ऐसा सिद्धान्त प्रस्तुत किया जो सभी जाति, सभी सम्प्रदाय, सभी धर्म वाले लोग अपना सकें।

जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज को काशीविद्वत्परिषत् द्वारा सार्वजनिक रूप से भक्तियोगरसावतार कहकर सम्बोधित किया गया। श्रीराधारानी की कृपाशक्ति का ही अवतरण जगद्गुरूत्तम रूप में भक्ति धाम मनगढ़ में हुआ, जिन्होंने श्री गौरांग महाप्रभु के समान ही अधिकारी अनधिकारी सभी जीवों को बरबस ब्रजरस से सराबोर किया। गौरांग महाप्रभु के सिद्धान्तों का सविस्तार प्रतिपादन करते हुए उनका विविध रूपों में प्रचार प्रसार किया।

जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालु जी महाराज ने अपने ज्ञान, भक्ति और प्रेम से न केवल भारत बल्कि सम्पूर्ण विश्व को आलोकित किया। उनके द्वारा प्रस्तुत सिद्धांत और शिक्षाएं आज भी हमें यह बताती हैं कि भारत सदैव आध्यात्मिक विश्व गुरु के पद पर प्रतिष्ठित रहा है और रहेगा।

Saturday 20 January 2024

Bhakti Mandir: A Timeless Oasis of Spiritual Beauty

Kripalu Maharaj

In the heart of divine serenity lies Bhakti Mandir, a sanctuary where the mind naturally gravitates towards the enchanting pastimes of Yugal Sarkar, the Divine Couple. Beyond its aesthetic allure, Bhakti Mandir beckons seekers with a promise of spiritual entertainment amidst nature's bounty. However, its essence transcends mere attraction, serving as a conduit for guiding souls towards the accessible path leading to eternal divine bliss.

Bhakti Mandir stands as a testament to the spiritual legacy of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. Adorned with a tapestry of a hundred couplets from the Bhakti Shatak, select verses from Prema Rasa Madira, and snippets from the Shyama Shyam Geet, the temple walls sparkle with ornate embellishments of semi-precious stones. Each inscription, a profound revelation, weaves a narrative that captivates hearts and immerses readers in the boundless ocean of divine love that surrounds Shri Yugal Sarkar.

The experience within Bhakti Mandir transcends the superficial. It's not merely a place of transient entertainment but a haven where the inherent motives echo the timeless pursuit of true devotion and divine knowledge. As one steps into this sacred space, the very air seems to resonate with the echoes of devotion, urging visitors to explore the depths of their spiritual selves.

The Bhakti Shatak, a collection of a hundred couplets, serves as a beacon of wisdom, offering insights that resonate through the corridors of time. Each verse, a masterpiece authored by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, is a journey into the profound realms of spirituality. The inscriptions, meticulously placed on the temple walls, become more than words; they are keys unlocking the doors to a realm where divine love reigns supreme.

kripalu maharaj  news

Prema Rasa Madira, a reservoir of divine emotions, finds its expression in the carefully chosen compositions that grace Bhakti Mandir. These verses, like the petals of a cosmic flower, unfold a fragrant tapestry that transports the soul into the intoxicating dance of divine love. Through these timeless expressions, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj invites seekers to partake in the nectar of spiritual ecstasy.

Shyama Shyam Geet, a melodic tribute to the eternal love between Radha and Krishna, adds another layer of enchantment to Bhakti Mandir. Selected couplets, woven into the very fabric of the temple, create an ambiance where the musical notes of devotion resonate, creating an atmosphere that transcends the boundaries of the material world.

Bhakti Mandir, the crown jewel of Bhakti Dham, emerges not just as a physical structure but as a living testament to the enduring glory of a sacred space. Its purpose transcends generations, serving as a reminder to future seekers of the profound legacy embedded in its walls. As the stones whisper tales of divine love, the temple inspires a commitment to true devotion and the pursuit of timeless divine knowledge that will endure for millennia.

Conclusion: Bhakti Mandir stands as a sacred haven, inviting all souls to immerse themselves in the ethereal beauty of Yugal Sarkar's divine love under the guidance of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. This sanctuary, adorned with verses from the Bhakti Shatak, expressions from Prema Rasa Madira, and the melodious notes of Shyama Shyam Geet, transcends the boundaries of mere aesthetics. It is a living testament to the enduring legacy of a spiritual luminary, where each stone whispers tales of profound love.

As visitors step into this timeless oasis, the very air resonates with echoes of devotion, beckoning them to explore the depths of their spiritual selves. To delve deeper into this spiritual realm, we invite you to explore our website and uncover the wisdom imparted by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj.

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Embracing Kripalu Panchamrit - A Path to Eternal Bliss

Years later when satsangis asked Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj to tell them what he presented at the Kanpur Sammelan, he wrote Kripalu Panchamrit. These five most essential points encapsulate his entire philosophy.

  • Every individual soul in the universe naturally desires unlimited happiness because of being an eternal part of the Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna who is the very embodiment of existence, knowledge, and divine bliss.

  • There are mnumerous are controversies prevalent in the world regarding the means to attain this infinite bliss; however, all of them can be classified irrefutably into only two categories: spiritualism and materialism. The science behind this is that one who identifies the self with the soul is called a spiritualist, and the one who identifies the self with the body is called a materialistic. Though both condemn each other, in my opinion, the truth is that both are actually ignorant. Just as the body and the soul have an eternal harmonious relationship, in the very same way, spiritualism and materialism are equally indispensable. You can practice spiritual discipline only by keeping your body healthy, and in turn, the very existence of your body depends entirely on the soul.

  • The infinite bliss that the individual soul desires incessantly can be attained only through the grace of Shri Krishna, that He showers only upon completely surrendered souls. The first step to receiving His grace is to acquire true spiritual knowledge from a Guru, who is well-versed in scriptures and has practically realised God. By sincerely following the spiritual discipline specified by such a Guru, your heart will begin to purify. It is only when your heart becomes completely purified that you will attain divine bliss, through the grace of your Guru.

  • The only spiritual discioline that will completely purify your heart is the performance of the nine devotional processes to Shri Krishna known as navadha bhakti. Chant the glories of His divine names, forms, qualities, pastimes, abodes, and saints, Shed tears of love and continuously increase your longing to see your beloved Shri Krishna. Abandon all desires, including even the desire for the five kinds of liberation (sarupya, salokya, samipya, sarshti and sayujya).

  • It is the mind alone that has to surrender and practice devotion to Shri Krishna, and therefore, your mind must always be engaged in the constant loving remembrance of Shri Krishna and His names, forms, qualities, pastimes, abodes, and saints. While doing this, perform all your necessary duties pertaining to the maintenance of your physical body. In this way, live in the world with your mind absorbed in the loving thoughts of God and your body performing all your essential duties. This alone is the essence of the entire Gita known as karmayoga and the quintessence of the philosophy of the Vedanta known as jnanayoga.

Conclusion: In the profound teachings of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, we find a timeless roadmap to the fulfillment of the deepest human yearning for eternal happiness. Kripalu Panchamrit, the distilled essence of his philosophy, unveils the profound wisdom that transcends the complexities of the spiritual and material worlds, ultimately guiding us towards a state of divine bliss.

The central message of Kripalu Panchamrit reminds us that every individual soul's quest for boundless joy is not a mere desire but a fundamental longing, inherent in our connection with the Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna. Our existence, knowledge, and divine bliss are intertwined with this eternal connection.

At the heart of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj's teaching is the undeniable truth that the infinite bliss we seek can only be granted by Shri Krishna, through His divine grace. The first step in attaining this grace is through the guidance of a realized Guru, well-versed in scripture and practical realization of God. The journey to divine bliss commences with the purification of one's heart, a process achievable by wholeheartedly following the path of devotion outlined by the Guru.

In adopting the principles of Kripalu Panchamrit, we embark on a transformative journey towards the eternal bliss we ardently seek. The wisdom within these five essential points provides a compass for those who wish to find unity between the spiritual and the material, ultimately leading to the divine embrace of Shri Krishna's grace. In this profound philosophy, we discover the means to live a life that is simultaneously enriched with worldly responsibilities and drenched in the loving remembrance of the Divine - a path to happiness that knows no bounds. To know more visit our website.

Pema Rasa Madira: The Intoxicating Bliss of Divine Love

  Prema Rasa Madirä is a complete text, capable of taking one from the initial stage of detaching oneself from the world, all the way to th...